Thursday 14 June 2012

The Top 10!

I have found that the first few days as a new mum are indeed the hardest and most trying of times. So, I have compiled a list of ten items, which have been essential to my survival these past few weeks with my newborn baby, Drayven.

  1. Pampers Newborn Diapers - You will need lots of these! My little monster goes through at least nine dirty diapers a day (both wet and poopy ones). My Bubba is an exclusively breastfed baby, so finding a mass of of wet yellow liquid poops are not uncommon. Gone already, are the days of black tar-smeared bots (meconium aka babies first bowel movements). I miss these.
    Diapers: Pampers New Baby essential.
  2. Cotton Balls, or Baby Wipes - For the first few weeks, using cotton balls and plain warm water to clean Dray's diaper area have been the gentlest on my baby boy's botty. It has allowed his baby soft skins PH to regulate normally. Using wipes (fragrance free and all) so early on made his skin red and sore. It is only recently, now that he is three weeks old, has he adjusted nicely to the use of wipes.
    Essential: Use cotton balls and warm water for the first month.
  3. Muslins & Bibs - Muslins cloths are perfect for all those spill, spews, burps and if you have a little boisterous boy in particular, for catching any little accidents. Dare I say it, but I think I have mastered dodging those projectile wees at change-time. Bibs are always handy and you really cannot have too many of either of these products.
    Muslin Cloths: Jazz them up with rainbow muslins.
  4. Baby Vests & Sleepsuits - These are really all I need for in the early days. I find its pointless spending loads on fancy and expensive brands when all they will do is get spoiled and stained with poop and spit-up on a daily basis. Plus, your babe will out grow the first sizes very quickly.
    Starter Set: Affordable collection from Mothercare.
  5. Boppy Pillow - Whether you are breastfeeding or going the bottle way, a feeding support cushion is one of those essential items that have come in handy for my own comfort and ease. I am so exhausted during night feeds, that I feel as though I cannot hold my arm upright to support my Bubba's big bobble-head. Everything seems a hundred time harder when you are suffering from sleep deprivation, which lets face it, all parents will be trying their best to battle. This pillow provides firm support with its donut-like shape and has aided me in many a sleepless night. It truly has been one of those life savers for me. It comes in a variety of colours and designs to suit your tastes.
    Supports Feeding: The Boppy Pillow.
  6. Medela Twin Plus Electric Breast Pump - I've decided to exclusively breastfeed my third bundle of torture... and a devilishly hungry little demon he is too. While Drayven has  expanded our capacity to love exponentially with his precious presence; he is by far more challenging than my other kids. He is always hungry. Having an electric pump to had is very useful, especially when your milk first comes in at around day three after birth. The breasts swell up and become hard like rock. It is excruciating - the pain - all I could do to ease my distress was to get my little devil to feed as often as possible while I waited for my pump to be delivered.
    Electric Breast Pump: Medela Twin Plus.
  7. Baby Bjรถrn Original Classic Carrier - This carrier has been another ingenious design and is useful for many situations. Drayven likes to be close to his mamma (at all times I might add), and for hte most part he is not far from my arms. So, being able to keep him close as well as spend time doing the housework, cooking dinner and more importantly, spending time with my daughters and my husband is very important for me.
    Baby Bjorn: Original Carrier in City Black.
  8. Nap-time - It is important to take those naps whenever you baby sleeps, otherwise you will not be able to function efficiently. You will just become a stressed out mom and not be able to enjoy the early days because everything will begin to annoy you, even your babies cries. Make good use of those cat-naps, even if you cannot sleep, try to rest.
    Cat-naps: We all suffer from sleep deprivation (moms and dads). So, nap when you can.
  9. Healthy Eating & Hydration - Adjusting to life with a newborn in the house can make looking after yourself difficult. Almost instantaneously, any idea of you comes second to everything you actually do. First you feed the baby and tend his needs and then, if there is time, you have a bite to eat yourself. The best thing I ever did with regards to nutrition, was to give up all junk/processed foods. We only eat healthily cooked whole, fresh foods in our house. It is also very important to keep yourself well hydrated, especially if you are breastfeeding - trust me, you will really benefit from at least one litre per day.
    Hydration: Keep well hydrated with, at least, 1 litre of water per day.
  10. Camera - So you can capture all of those first moments because they only happen once and for me, there is nothing more important than immortalising these precious mile stones. If you are as photo-mad as I am, then invest in a good digital camera to freeze your memories in time.
    Canon: A great introductory DSLR for all those perfect snaps of your newborn.

There you have it; my survival list of new mom must-haves that will get you through until the first month at least. What has worked wonders for me may not always work as well for others and so my advice to you would be to find what suits you best because we all have our own individual needs. Remember not all forms of support can be bought.
I have found that, in my experience at least, the most invaluable and treasured form of emotional and physical support came from my husband. Knowing that he was there for me and always at hand to carry out any little favours; be it dropping Eden off at nursery, or making sure that Lydia ate her lunch on time, made it all the more easier for me to survive my babymoon with Drayven.

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