Wednesday 20 June 2012

Serious 24 Hour Viral Infection

Here is a short tale of where and how this pesky virus sneakily found its way into the wild and always vibrant Storm strong-hold. This virus really hit us hard and it was on the saturday that the first victim was claimed by an assault which was both swift and merciless.

That morning, unbeknownst to any of us, it had already infiltrated our camps and silently laid in wait as its symptoms festered. Quietly, it plotted to take us down, one by one. It had set its sights upon the fair and jovial Eden. My eldest daughter, who at the tender age of three, had mastered many great milestones before expected, brought home with her an invisible and malevolent passenger from nursery. Now, I am not lying when I say that she can adapt to any given situation; whatever obstacle is thrown her way, she will make the most of and overcome. But this was just too much for the poor girl.

She woke up that morning trying to make light of a throat complaint, which as it seemed then, could not keep her from bouncing off the walls or hopping about the place like a bunny-rabbit because a rabbit can't possibly be a rabbit without first being called a bunny.

And then, all of a sudden, during the early evening we could no longer hear crazy lyricless singing, or bouncing - not even a hop! Clearly something was affoot. I walked into the bedroom and there she was, my beautiful Eden, her rosy-cheeked complexion - gone... drained. She just lay there in her bed; so still.

The clouds out the window loomed with a heavy darkness as the last traces of light were drowned out. A bad omen I thought to myself as she said to me, "Mommy, I'm ill, I think."

I called for Kade and he came and knelt by her bedside. Placing a hand upon her head, he declared "She is burning up!" Indeed, she felt like fire. Immediately, medicinal remedies were administered to work their wonders on our ailing beauty. But, despite this, only an hour later, Eden wakes groggily from her shallow sleep and frets. Worried and startled we look in her direction and as Kade rushes to her aid, she vomits into her own lap!

The odorous smell of stmach acids fill the air and all I can do to comfort my darling girl is to tell her that it is ok, just let it out, let it out...its OK.

Eden looks up at her Daddy, right at that moment and throws him a huge adorable smile. It is one of those images that really touched me in the most emotional way... I could have cried. Even at her absolute worst; body ravaged by fever - Eden looks up at her Daddy with those immensly loving eyes and can still manage to smile.

Amazingly,she recovered the next morning, no traces of the villainous infection in sight. We were relieved. She had won and all was back to normal, or so we thought. The following day, Lydia fell prey to its evil symptoms. Sweet, gentle Lydia... and then it was I who was condemned to bed rest after being hit what seemed like the hardest and the longest 48 hours of my life. Like Eden, Lydia recovered the next day and I too recovered - albeit a day extra spent in listless turmoil.

In the end, it would seem that it was the Storm boys who were left standing strong and triumphant in the wake of this fleeting yet volatile virus.

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