Saturday 15 December 2012

An Amazing Milestone... Reached.

I am marking today, with a post, by celebrating my beautiful boys seventh month in the world. Looking back on the day we brought him home from the hospital, I simply cannot believe how far he has come and how well he has grown. But I guess, somewhat more importantly, what I am really amazed by is the fact that he has thrived so brilliantly on breastmilk alone. So what this post truly honours, in essence, is my wonderful journey of exclusively breastfeeding my baby boy.

As clichéd as it may sound, Drayven really has had the best start to life and seeing him thrive every day is such a pleasure to behold. I have not seen a happier baby and I do believe that, while partly this is due to his cordial nature; breastfeeding has been an absolutely fundamental factor in his happiness and his experience of life to date. Dray is the smiliest little thing I have ever seen; he never stops smiling and this beautiful journey could not have played out more perfectly.

Despite all of the long sleepless nights of feeding, the fatigue, fighting off symptoms of mastitis and the sheer lack of energy to function on any given day of the week, I would not change a single thing. I wholeheartedly committed myself to this task and the rewards have proven exceptionally bountiful. I have made memories worth treasuring and have sealed a bond between us, which breastfeeding has only enhanced. Knowledge and experience is a wondrous thing.
Exclusivity: So proud to be able to look back at the  first two weeks after birth and see how far we have both come on this beautiful journey.

Exclusively breastfeeding at seven months. It was difficult getting here, but what a joy it has been; it almost seems easy now. What an achievement!

A special thank you must be made to my darling husband, Kade, for all your kind, loving words of support. Also, to our two beautiful daughters, Eden and Lydia, for all your precious help with changing diapers and making Dray laugh so heartily.

I love my incredible family.


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